
About Me

My Story

I started my professional career in the Insurance sector after completing my MBA. I started as a Relationship Associate and over the course of years, worked with many reputed brands in the Insurance & Banking sectors. I had my last assignment with IndusInd Bank, Chandigarh, as Assistant Vice President. It was a wonderful journey and […]

About Me


Beginning of this soulful journey started at Brahmrishi Yoga College, Chandigarh where I learnt the art of Ashtang Yoga. Ashtang Yoga is a system of Yoga recorded by the renowned sage Vamana Rishi in the Yoga Korunta. It literally means ‘eight-limbed yoga’. While practicing Yoga here, I realized that yoga is not just about exercise […]

About Me


Writing is the best expression one can give to one’s thoughts and words. It is a skill through which one can create anything. Biggest of the stories are backed by one simple expression, Writing! As I started the journey of Motherhood, there was so much to learn, to express and to share and writing simply became […]


Latest Blog

Is Our Survival Instinct Failing Us?

April 24, 2020


From Darwin’s Theory of age-old days when our ancestors rose from all fours to walk upright to mythology theory of four cyclic age (Yugas), human’s basic survival instinct guides him to fight and have battles to survive rather than collaborate and co-operate. Our instincts and response surely benefited us in evolving from cave people to […]


Perception – What’s Yours?

January 26, 2020


Weekends always excites us all and so to kids as they have more time to play and engage with their friends. My Daughter was excited and thrilled as it was Saturday and her two friends were coming to play with her whom she calls BFF (Best Friends Forever). As they all were making pranks and […]


108 Surya Namaskar in 30 Minutes

December 20, 2019


When it comes to exercise, many of us are creatures of habit. We head for the same aerobics class at the gym, log the same workout on treadmill and elliptical trainer, and run the same route every single time we lace up our sneakers. Sure, it is needed. While regular exercise is good for you, […]


“Happiness and Unhappiness are one

Only illusion of time separates them”

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