108 Surya Namaskar in 30 Minutes

Juhi Sharma- 108 Suryanamaskar

When it comes to exercise, many of us are creatures of habit. We head for the same aerobics class at the gym, log the same workout on treadmill and elliptical trainer, and run the same route every single time we lace up our sneakers. Sure, it is needed. While regular exercise is good for you, it is also important to vary your fitness routine. Your body — and brain — will reap benefits when you try new activities. Mix up your workout routine to stimulate different muscle groups and prevent monotony.
There is no shortage of different types of exercise to try. If you tend to gravitate towards more traditional activities like yoga, running, biking, or swimming, look for ways to change up your workout rather than just depending on machinery and equipment. I did!… and realized that not only it breaks your boredom but it also has unusual calorie burning dosage and better impact on your physical and mental well-being.

I tried these 3 workouts for 30 Mins

108 Surya Namaskar in 30 mins – 413 Calories
Running at 7.5 mph – 408 Calories
Cycling at 14-15 mph – 327 Calories

108 Surya Namaskar certainly tops the chart when it comes to calorie burning. Try for yourself and see the uncountable benefits it gives you. From losing weight at fast pace to skin detox, improved digestion and flexibility, strengthened muscles and joints, tone almost all body parts, regulating bowel movements and menstrual cycles. Start with 5 and gradually take them to 108. Do add it in your exercise regime for 1 set of Surya Namaskar means 12 Asana and practicing it 108 times means twisting your body at rapid pace for 1,296 times in just 30 minutes. Isn’t that amazing?!

While I even plan to try others like basketball, swimming and football soon to check the calories graph, it’s important that we don’t lose on to the key and that is “Regular Exercise with Variation”. Also, add a heap dose of Yoga and Surya Namaskar in your daily regime and enjoy fitness like never before.

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