

Is Our Survival Instinct Failing Us?

From Darwin’s Theory of age-old days when our ancestors rose from all fours to walk upright to mythology theory of four cyclic age (Yugas), human’s basic survival instinct guides him to fight and have battles to survive rather than collaborate and co-operate. Our instincts and response surely benefited us in evolving from cave people to […]


Perception – What’s Yours?

Weekends always excites us all and so to kids as they have more time to play and engage with their friends. My Daughter was excited and thrilled as it was Saturday and her two friends were coming to play with her whom she calls BFF (Best Friends Forever). As they all were making pranks and […]


108 Surya Namaskar in 30 Minutes

When it comes to exercise, many of us are creatures of habit. We head for the same aerobics class at the gym, log the same workout on treadmill and elliptical trainer, and run the same route every single time we lace up our sneakers. Sure, it is needed. While regular exercise is good for you, […]


My Daughter Realized Worth Of Old Green Balloon Only After She Lost New Golden Balloon

Few days back, while I was busy doing Yoga, my daughter & her new friend in Toronto were on roll. These new playing mates were sliding, screaming, jumping and throwing a green balloon to each other in the house. Just then my husband came back from office. Seeing kids disturbing my practice he blew a […]



Get-togethers with friends are always special & soothing. As we were all enjoying our reunion, our kids kept coming up with their stories, fights, tantrums and we as parents go bananas for consistently responding to their repetitive, silly & smart patterns. In the whole fun & frolic, one thing that caught my attention was a […]


Address Your Mood Swings With Yoga

How is your mood today? Well, moodiness is something we all go through every minute, every hour and every day. Is moodiness bad? To understand it, let us try to understand what mood really means. ‘Mood’ dictionary meaning is “temporary state of mind or feeling”. This can be good, bad and neutral, defining your mental […]


Yoga Vs Exercise

Before understanding the difference of between Yoga & Exercise, it is necessary to understand how Yoga and exercise functions. What is Yoga? Yogasanas are mostly thought of as a form of exercise. However merely naming it as exercise or tagging as workout is not sufficient for this science created by our Indian sages. Yoga is […]


Before YOU say NO to YOGA

Om Saha Navavatu Saha Nau Bhunaktu Saha Virya Karvav-Hai Te-Jasvi Nava dhitam-Astu Ma Vidvi Ṣav-Hai Om SantiḤ santiḤ santiḤ OM Paramatma, protect and bless us. Give us strength to come to the end of the path, To eternal knowledge, Help us so that we do not turn against one another, and eternally united continue on […]


365 Days of Marriage

Marriage as an institution is stripping down and gaining negative aura around it. I have witnessed many examples of unhappy couples surviving marriage because of social fabric, family reputations, kids, career, responsibilities etc. But if you rewind a bit, same couples at the time of marriage held hands together and made promises for happily ever […]


I Met Compassion Today

Being a parent is a blessing which paints spectrum of colors on your life canvas. And today, a beautiful color from that was shown to me by my daughter and her 2 best friends, we call it Compassion! Last Sunday, we all went to a mall in Chandigarh to enjoy trampoline. All kids were excited […]


Am I Alive?

Routine As my alarm starts buzzing, I snooze it and wrap myself again in my quilt, giving an excuse of bunking today and going for my exercise tomorrow. Just when i start to enjoy my nap again, the pressure of workplace and household chores starts haunting my mind. I wake up with a jerk and […]


Thought and Emotion

My daughter asked me to bring her favourite chocolate today while coming back home, Kinderjoy. At age 5, unwrapping the box to find a new toy is real fantasy. While she was waiting for me at home desperately to grab it, I entered home empty handed. My daughter said to me “You are a bad […]


There Is No Truth In Truth

Your truth can be a lie invented by me and my truth can be a lie invented by you. In this labyrinth of truth, where is the absoluteness? Where is the ultimate truth? Generally, when we speak about truth, its more about morality and less about experiential. This keeps us swinging between verbal truth and […]


Economics Vs Aesthetics

In today’s scenario, for many of us the economics that plays pivotal role… whether it is a country’s economy or a family’s economy… financial health, numbers, revenue attracts pristine glory. Aesthetics is left behind. Even when its true form and nature is full of beauty and joyfulness, it is treated as asinine by many. Severity […]


Expressions of Love

Reading out stories to my 5 years old daughter is most alluring and our favorite moment. As I read her the story of Nightingale, a beautiful tale of love and friendship by Hans Christian Andersen, my daughter and me took a ride to the world of a spoilt emperor who preferred fake song of mechanical […]


Religion Hack… Why?

My caretaker while cleaning the house inquisitively touched the Lord Buddha diffuser and asked me, “Didi who is he”? I smiled and introduced her to this great personality of time. Immediately comes her next question, “What is he doing in a Hindu’s house”? It’s a sin! Here I was, standing awestruck and feeling pity for […]

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