Fading Smiles

I was born a giggly wiggly baby

My world was full of love, care & toys

But in the fight of seeking mention & attention

My smiles faded with time

I turned into an energetic and brave adolescent

My world was full of fun and adrenaline rushing by

But in the fight of managing cellphones and hormones

My smiles faded with time

I then became a fun-loving adult

My world was full of friends and confidante

But in the fight between my lips and tongue

My smiles faded with time

I headed to the road of being romantic lover

My world was full of first love and fantasized life

But in the fight between heart and mind

My smiles faded with time

I then got obsessed with my work life

My world was full of hi rise career, profits and revenue

But in the fight between money and honey

My smiles faded with time

I finally tied knot with my partner

My world was full of adventure, trips and candle light

But in the fight between celebrations and expectations

My smiles faded with time

I started walking the road of parenthood

My world was full of giggles and smiles

But in the fight of fulfilling responsibilities and aiding facilities

My smiles faded with time

I am now an old, weak and diseased being

Looking back my journey of fading smiles

I want to bring back my time and my smiles

But death is holding my hand saying

My friend, you lost a beautiful life in your race against time

Now give yourself a last smile and say, goodbye!

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