Finding Happiness

I went out to find happiness,

As I walk around, I found a flower blooming & happy

I asked her, when will you get unhappy

Flower replied, never

I went out to find happiness,

As I walk around, I found a fine oak tree standing straight & loud

I asked him, when will you get stressed

Oak tree replied, never

I went out to find happiness,

As I walk around, I found a dolphin playing with waves

I asked her, when will you get depressed

Dolphin replied never

I went out to find happiness,

As I walk around, I found a frog hopping & enjoying

I asked him when will you have self esteem issues as people laughing at you

Frog replied, never

I went out to find happiness

As I walk around, I saw birds flying freely

I asked them, when will you carry hatred & resentment

They replied, never

And so I asked my unhappy self

Where should I look for happiness

My soul replied, inside yourself.

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