Human Hypocrisy

As I evolve, I dissolve into a new reality of my Country

I see socialists socializing in exclusive social bars at night

With same government officials, against whom they initiated protest and rights

As ice melts in their cocktail of celebration and cheer

My Dreams of democracy die out in the hands of hypocrisy.

As I evolve, I dissolve into a new reality of Holy Men

I see selfish hearts and lustful minds

Wearing sacred threads, lockets and robes

As smoke covers worshiping Gods & chanting hymns

My dreams of morality die out in the hands of hypocrisy.

As I evolve, I dissolve into new reality of my Planet

I see countries’ tempers flaring on geographies & boundaries

When polar Vortex and weather temperatures are interrupting

As snowflakes turn every bit of green into white

My dreams of ecology die out in the hands of hypocrisy.

As I evolve, I dissolve into a new reality of my Relationships

I see some smiles are snarls and most promises are lies

Those tears are hungry crocodiles waiting to consume me at every corner of life

As my lovable kith & kin take away the morsel from my mouth

My dreams of honesty die out in the hands of hypocrisy.

Soldiers bled red in Feb, Civilians dreamt red in Feb

Pretenders mourn more, Dear ones let it go

Economics became benchmark, Aesthetics lost its charm

Relationship climbed upon interest ladder, and base of happiness is gone

As I evolve, I dissolve into a new reality of my Life.

Where all my dreams die out in the hands of hypocrisy.

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