My Angels & Demons

Angel whispered, demons roared
I helped my mother and wiped her tears
Next, I boozed, partied and lied to her ears
Her smiling face turned in fury
Angels were silent and Demons danced to their glory.

Angel whispered, demons roared
I stood by my father in his battles and fights
Next, I recklessly forged his signatures on my test sheets
His proud chest turned into ignorant back
Angels were silent and Demons danced to their glory

Angel whispered, demons roared
I was my friends pillar in their misfortune and sorrows
Next, I judged them for their choices and fears
Their Forever yours turned into never yours
Angels were silent and Demons danced to their glory.

Angel whispered, demons roared
I held her hand and sacrificed my dreams
Next, I turned my back for official commitments and friends
Her loving glow turned into deep regret
Angels were silent and Demons dance to their glory.

My Angel & Demons both are true
Its for others to decide whether they want to dance with my Angels
Or stand by me silencing my Demons
For that’s when my Angels whisper slash Demons roar.

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