“Our Life Drama”

Not spiky hair and curly locks

Makes me a human being,

But my daily deeds and no greeds

Seeds my way to be a complete being.

Of what use is prayer

Of what use is charity

When gender equality & sexual activity

Is treated with Barbarity.

Wardrobe with branded clothes and outward show

Could not buy me my happiness flow

When I look at myself, all I saw

A hefty heart, maligned mind & a body full of illness and flaws.

Of what use is “likes” count

Of what use is FB & Insta account

When relations are tagged with discount

And love is underground.

Medals & laurels faded with time

Hi-rise career, social feed & money could not bring back my time

Seeing me stuck, my pride, ego & anger laughed at me

And I left for another journey of ignorance & deliverance in this infinite space & time.

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